Tout your wares and services here! Prices are fixed OOCly, in utter anathema to Travar's way of life; however, that means that low Circle characters work more cheaply than high Circle characters, encouraging more business to flow toward them.
In the course of a mission you may come across leads that seem worth exploring, but that are outside the scope of the current objectives. Record those here!
The Westmarches playstyle is player-driven. Players discuss with GMs what kind of content they would like to see, and at what level of difficulty, and then schedule a game at a mutually convenient time. Any other approved player may volunteer for the mission. If there are more volunteers than available places, the organizing player chooses the final group.
The Delver's Athanaeum in Travar collects and rewards adepts for their tales of adventure and glory, slowly building up a body of work that gives shape to the post-Scourge world. These submissions are periodically copied and sent to The Great Library of Throal for greater circulation.